Heinz Kaufmann (Germany)

IMG_1670Name: Heinz Kaufmann
Age: 53
Residence: Efringen-Kirchen (Baden Württemberg, Germany)
Family: Married to Christine, 4 children
Type and size of farm: mixed farm, ca. 70 ha
– 38 milk cows; 70 chicken; 5 horses in pension
– 53 ha crops (Winter barley, wheat, corn), fruit trees (cherry, plum, mirabelle), meadows
Work force: Heinz, his wife, 1 son, 1 apprentice, 1 helper
Why him:
He is a representative from a farmer in a nearby village in Germany

You produce many different type of products on your farm: milk, eggs, various crops, ice cream, fruits, ‘schnaps’ – why such a diversity and how much money do you make with each of these market sectors [Betriebszweig]?

When I took over the farm in 1994 it was much smaller, but we gradually increased it, from the size and the type of our activities. We had to! Today a farm simply needs to have a certain size so that the investment is worth it and one can make some profit. So I acquired more ‘milk quota’ [in the EU, milk production is regulated by a ’quota system’ to help control overproduction] so that I could increase my milk production – and I bought more cows. I also increased the land for growing my crops and I transformed some of that land in ‘eco-areas’ in order to get more subsidies. We acquired chicken because eggs sell very well. And 10 years ago we decided to start producing ice cream with our own milk and fruits, and bought all the necessary equipment. I would say that I make my money mainly with milk (ca. 40%), crops (ca. 20%) and ice cream (ca. 25%).

So that we can compare with other farmers in the future, how much milk do your cows produce and for how much can you sell it?
I would say that my cows produce on average ca. 20l/day/cow. This is ca. 750 l/day in total – of which I sell half to a milk processor (for ca. 0.35 EUR/l); the other half, I pasteurize myself on farm and sell it to consumers – either directly on farm (for 1 EUR/l) or through distribution to a few small shops in the region.

What is the farming activity you personally like doing best?
I think it’s sitting on my tractor and plowing my field! Here the result of my work can be seen. I take pride in having a well-ploughed field!

What would you like the average consumer to better understand about your job?
The problem is that the average consumer knows far too little about the reality of farming. For example, people have no understanding when they see us use pesticides or manure. Also, farm produce is not valued enough anymore. Consumers want cheap products, but producing them is becoming more and more expensive – due to increasing prices of land, inputs and labor. It is essential to have a dialogue between farmers and consumers, and that’s what I’m trying to do every day with the consumers who come to my farm. It’s very positive to see that many people ARE actually interested in learning more about where their products come from and ARE willing to pay more for good, local products.

Additional info:
More info about the farm of Heinz
European Milk Market Observatory
About milk quota

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